McDonalds vs Starbucks: McCafe Frappe vs Frappuccino
This is just something fun I thought I'd write up really quickly for you all. Coupons for McDonalds specials can be found at the following links:I don't have any coupons for Starbucks right now but I guess that's something I'll have to do in the future. I haven't had any requests for Starbucks. Hmm, so maybe McDonald's DOES win this challenge, huh? Hmm... :)
Taste Challenge: Starbucks vs McDonald's: McCafe Frappe vs Starbucks Frappuccino
So, in the photo above you see the Starbucks Frappuccino as well as the McDonald's Frappe. They are both delicious, don't get me wrong. Let me explain what bought I and a few friends agree to be the winner and why.
Starbucks Mocha Frappuchino vs McDonald's Frappe
If you get the regular mocha frappuccino from Starbucks it is about the same as the McCafe Frappe. They are both made with a shot or two of espresso coffee (depending on the size you get), chococate milk, ground-up ice, and whipped cream. McDonald's gives you chocolate on top in the shape of an "M" whereas at Starbucks they'll probably give it to you if you ask.
So, we're getting about the same quality and ingredients here. Let's look at the price for a medium. McDonald's price: $2.59. Starbucks is around $4. And now the taste. The whipped cream on the Starbucks is much better, but the liquid coffee + mocha mix itself? McDonald's is much more flavorful. Plus you get chocolate without asking at McDonald's. Plus Mc Donalds coupons for free frappes are found quite easily. Winner 4:1: McDonald's Frappe.
Starbucks Java Chip Frappuchino vs McDonald's Frappe
Here we're basically taking about the same thing, except that the competition from Starbucks becomes a bit stiffer. Take the mocha frappuccino above and add crushed bits of java beans as well as crushed dark, bitter chocolate. Plus you get chocolate on top without asking. This is much better than Starbucks regular mocha frappuccino.
Price: $4.50! Starbucks coupons anyone? McDonald's is still $2.59. The whipped cream on the Starbucks is better and the chocolate is of the dark, bitter variety compared to the Hersey's syrup type used at McDonald's. The main liquid body of the frappuccino also beats McDonalds Frappe taste-wise, thanks to the bitter chocolate and coffee bits. But, we can't very well say that the Starbucks Java-Chip Frappucino coupon beats the McCafe Frappe coupon hands down because of the $2 difference in price. Sorry Starbucks. Winner 3:2, Java-Chip Frappuccino.
So, since Starbucks Frappuccinos aren't going anywhere soon and McCafe Frappes haven't secured a place on McDonalds menu yet, get to McDonald's and try you a nice Frappe!